Author Archives: Erin

Buddha – 12 Years Young

“There is no lightness without dark” – Buddha, maybe?

This gorgeous man was such a poser! He is the most affectionate, clingy, cuddly boy. He loves watching his humans eat and will climb all over you for cuddles at any given opportunity. We had so much fun photographing him in the comfort of his own home, where his true personality could shine – it’s so important for cats to feel relaxed and what better place than at home. 


Posted in Melbourne Pet Photographer

Billie & Bentley the Staffies – Project Underdog Rescue Melbourne

These two gorgeous pups were recently rescued from a pound in NSW, and thanks to Project Underdog they are now in foster care and up for adoption here in Melbourne! I had the pleasure of photographing them this week and they are both such characters! Billie is small but full of beans, and she loooooves treats. Bentley is 28kgs but due to a neurological condition, his back legs are a bit wonky – it doesn’t stop him from playing with his sister and going for walks though! If you would like to learn more about Billie and Bentley, you can check out their Pet Rescue profiles .






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Celebrating The Golden Oldies

Nothing tugs on my heart strings quite like a frosted muzzle and a slightly slowed down walk – when it comes to dogs, I love them all but seniors are my absolute favourite. Senior dogs have a beautiful energy about them, they’ve done their time as big balls of energy and just want to spend their golden years with cuddles, treats, and the occasional walk. It’s a really special time in their lives, and one that, like puppyhood, only happens once.

I like to make a senior photo shoot with me a joyful experience – celebrating the white faces, their loving natures, and remembering the times you’ve shared along the way. Tears get shed (often mine, I’m a massive softy), stories are told, and some lovely memories are created.  Photographing seniors isn’t without its challenges, sight, hearing, and mobility have often deteriorated, but often all that’s needed is a patient heart, an experienced photographer, lots of cuddles, and some delicious cheese – because quite frankly when you’re the human equivalent of 100, you can eat whatever you want!

Over the last seven years I have met and photographed so many beautiful oldies – some have gone over the rainbow bridge, others are still thriving, and all have left massive paw prints on their owners hearts. A huge thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the wonderful owners over the years who have trusted me with the task of capturing their fur babies in their twilight years, your trust means the world to me. If you’d like to chat about a shoot for your senior dog here in Melbourne, click here to send me an email or give me a call. Enjoy the below images of some of the special faces I’ve met along the way!



Maisy & Poppy








Ellie, also known as Bella













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The Squad

You can try, but your squad will never be as cool as Percy, Floyd, and Betty!

A fun fact about this photo – it was taken on lead and the leashes removed afterwards in Photoshop! I always want your pups to be safe when we are having a shoot, so if they have no recall, no problem! 

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Jackson the Senior

His face may be white, his ears and eyes may not be 100%, and he may not bounce up and down like he used to, but 15 year old Jackson’s heart is forever young ðŸ’š Thank you so much to Stephanie and her lovely family for having me over to photograph your beautiful senior boy!

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